Research projects

Senior researchers from LiDA lead and participate in national and international research projects and networks.

Ongoing projects:


Platforming Families: Tracing digital transformations in everyday life across generations (PlatFAMs)

The PlatFAMs project focuses distinctively on intergenerational experiences in relation to the platformisation of family life. The core of the project is the study of up to hundred three-generation families in five European countries (Norway, Estonia, UK, Romania and Spain) over a two-year period, across different spaces online and offline, using a breadth of qualitative and participatory methods. In addition, we will do secondary analysis of longitudinal quantitative data across European countries.


Learning in the age of algorithms (LAT)

The LAT project integrates the didactic use of artificial intelligence into the established structure with competence development for teachers. The didactics for work with artificial intelligence are based on research in the classroom. The project contributes to further developing challenges with critical relevance for problematic aspects of digitization and artificial intelligence.


Immersive Learning across School and Community (ILASC)

In the project Immersive Learning Across Contexts (ILAC), we will develop interdisciplinary learning designs targeting the topic Public Health and Life Competence (Folkehelse og Livsmestring) where new digital technologies, such as virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR), play an important part as learning resources. We will create learning environments that enable students to experience abstract knowledge in engaging and meaningful ways by connecting the classroom to relevant knowledge practices in the local community. We will employ design-based methods that involve close collaboration between researchers, schools and organizations in the local community.

The Evaluation of the New National Curriculum: Intentions, Processes, and Practices (EVA2020)

From the beginning of the school year in 2020, a new core curriculum, as well as subject curricula, went into effect in Norwegian schools.  This implies that the content and outline of all curricula in primary and secondary education have been renewed. The Faculty of Education at the University of Oslo has been commissioned to carry out a research-based evaluation of the revised national curriculum.


Living the Nordic Model

This interdisciplinary project brings together scholars to study institutionalized childhoods of the Nordic countries. Through the lens of the “Nordic childhoods” and its institutions, the aim is to understand the history, present challenges and future sustainability of the lived Nordic model by contrastive and comparative research on the “Nordic institutionalized childhoods.” By “Nordic institutionalised childhoods” we mean both the values (ideals) of the Nordic model as related to upbringing and formation of future citizens, but also the perception and the lived implementation of these values by families and formal institutions (i.e. kindergartens, schools, other state institutions and media—increasingly digital technologies). Understanding the ideals and describing the processes of socialisation of the Nordic model citizen require a critical focus on the individual practices that take place within significant welfare institutions of the Nordic countries, within the family, and in the relations between them.

Finalized projects:



In the “Kodesnakk” (“code talk”) project we are studying how interactive “screencasts” can be produced and used by students and teachers in programming subjects in years 8-10 (ungdomsskole) and 11-13 (videregående skole).

MakEY: Makerspaces in the early years

This project aims to further knowledge of the way in which early years settings and non-formal learning spaces can offer meaningful digital experiences that develop children’s digital literacy and creative knowledge and skills. The emphasis is on digital makerspaces, spaces in which young children can use a range of digital technologies, in addition to non-digital tools and hardware, to create new artefacts and also to reconstruct exisiting artefacts – thus, making, hacking and tinkering. The project explores the potential of makerspaces for the development of young children’s digital literacy learning and for enhancing children’s creativity and creative design skills.

Co-constructing City Futures (3C)

Co-constructing city futures (3C) address participation in the construction of ideas and visions for city futures. The project was initiated in a sandpit process addressing the green shift by developing projects that lead to radical and bold solutions and concepts for future cities.

DiDiAC - Digitalised Dialogues Across the Curriculum

The DiDiAC project commenced in April 2016 to develop new knowledge to help understand how students learn in contemporary digitalised schools and across three key knowledge domains – language, social science and natural science.

Cultural Heritage Mediascapes: Innovation in Knowledge and Mediation Practices

The aim of the Cultural Heritage Mediascapes project is to deepen our understanding of how digitization and participatory models are transforming knowledge practices in museums and archives. A shared focus in the project is on young people's contributions to digital cultural heritage, and on the implications of interest-driven learning environments for policy and research in the cultural sector.c

Past projects

Published Mar. 19, 2015 3:03 PM - Last modified June 28, 2024 11:26 AM