Disputation: Cand.ed. Monika Kvernenes

Cand.ed. Monika Kvernenes defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:

Bedside Teaching among Novice Medical Teachers. Mapping conceptions of bedside teaching and exploring change within the context of a teaching community.

Photo: Cindy Grønsberg

Trial lecture - time and place

Her trial lecture will be held Friday, June 28th 2013 at 10.15 - 11.00, Lecture Hall , Helga Engs hus, Blindern

Lecture title:

  • Faculty development work in medical education including all medical and health core professionals - state of the art and future challenges.

Adjudication committee

  • Vice Dean Berit Eika,  Faculty Secretariat, The Faculty of Health Sciences, Aarhus University (1. opponent).
  • Associate Professor Charlotte Silén, Department of leaarning, informatics, management and ethics, Centre for medical Education - CME, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden (2. opponent).
  • 3rd member of the committee and coordinator, Professor Bjørn Stensaker, Department of Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Oslo.

Chair of defence

  • Vice Dean, Associate Professor Eli Ottesen, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Oslo


  • Professor emeritus Kirsten Hofgaard Lycke, Department of Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Oslo.
  • Professor Kristin Margrete Heggen, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo


Additional information

Information in Norwegian, see

Published June 17, 2013 2:16 PM - Last modified June 9, 2022 2:31 PM