Practical preparations before the public defence

When the thesis is approved for defence, you must carry out the practical preparations before the trial lecture and public defence.

Important preparations

Errata list and making changes to a submitted thesis?

If you wish to correct typographical/linguistic errors in the submitted thesis before it is printed, you have an opportunity to apply to the faculty to make these changes. Read more about correcting errors/errata list. The errata list must be an attachment in the printed version to the disputation. 

Printing of the thesis prior to the defence

Your thesis shall be publicly available a minimum of two weeks before the defence. The thesis shall be printed by the University Print Centre. Contact the print centre at an early stage to plan the time for printing and receive support in making the manuscript ready.

The department you are affiliated to pays for the printing of 40 copies and 30 of these will be used in connection with the disputation. You will be sent a requisition form for printing by the PhD executive officer at the Faculty. If you would like more copies, you must cover the cost of this yourself.

If you so wish, you can also make the thesis available digitally through DUO Research Archive

Press release

The synopsis you sent us when applying for evaluation, you may now revise. We will use this document also as a press release. You should present your research results (news) and their importance to the general public (social relevance) in a popular science format. Think of the press release as an introductory sales text that will persuade journalists to contact you in order for you to be able to communicate your research through the media. The press release must be in both English and Norwegian.

Tips for a good press release:

  • Heading ‒ create a short but arresting title to capture interest
  • The most important thing first ‒ begin with the conclusion ‒ what have you discovered?
  • The main point ‒ focus on one main point, not on the entire thesis
  • Write simply ‒ write simple sentences with clear messages, avoid details, use direct speech, avoid academic jargon, feel free to use pointed statements or quotes from your thesis
  • Write concisely ‒ a maximum of 2000 characters including spaces

You should write the press release yourself, but we recommend you to get help in streamlining the message. The Faculty takes care of distribution to the press.




Published Mar. 23, 2016 4:12 PM - Last modified May 31, 2022 2:39 PM