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The New National Curriculum in the context of school practices and student learning

In this sub project, we study subject renewal in the classroom how does it affect teachers and students' views on knowledge and learning?

Sub project 3 consists of two projects:

The curriculum renewal in meeting with classroom practices

The project EVA2020: The curriculum renewal in meeting with classroom practices investigates teaching and learning in educational settings where teachers and students participate in interdisciplinary instructional designs.

Read more about sub project 1

Development and Analysis of Indicators for the Implementation of Central Terms in the Curriculum Renewal

This sub project is dedicated to understanding how students and teachers experience the new curriculum renewal in practice. We do this through conducting a representative survey of students in the 9th grade as well as their teachers.

Read more about sub project 2



The two associated projects have different methodological approaches. This enables analyses at several levels.

Published Sep. 26, 2022 4:00 PM - Last modified Aug. 14, 2023 10:31 AM