Ole Smørdal

Researcher, Head of Engagelab
Image of Ole Smørdal
Norwegian version of this page
Mobile phone +4793080473
Visiting address Forskningsparken Gaustadalléen 21
Postal address P.O. Box 1161 Blindern NO-0318 Oslo

Academic Interests

I'm a researcher at the Department of Education.

I have a long-term experience in the intersection between design, education, and computer science. My interests are related to learning ecologies, infrastructuring, social innovation, empowerment, and sustainability. I'm specialized in research that is based on practice partnerships, and adopts design-based and participatory methods in such collaborations. I'm head of a research driven design and development unit, Engagelab, at the University of Oslo.


  • Dr. Scient (Informatics) University of Oslo 1999. Work Oriented Objects: Thesis on object oriented modeling related to human activity systems. Theory, concepts, methods and case studies.
  • Cand. Scient (Informatics) University of Oslo 1992.
  • AFF/NHH Solstrand programme for young managers 2009.

Higher education and employment history

  • Researcher and head of EngageLab, Department of Education, University of Oslo, 2017-
  • Academic director and researcher, EngageLab, 2013-2016
  • Associate Professor, InterMedia, University of Oslo, 2003-2012
  • Head of InterMediaLab, InterMedia, University of Oslo, 2003-2012, leading and shaping development and experiment activities within research projects at InterMedia. Strategic design of ICT and video infrastructures and support, budget and personnel management. 
  • Scientific Programmer, InterMedia, University of Oslo, 2001-2003.
  • Software Designer and Developer, Birdstep Technology ASA, 2000-2003, lead designer for the product Nomadic Portal, which provide local, personalized services in wireless networks (IP-zones).
  • Scientific Programmer, Department of Informatics, 1997-2001, responsible for development and support of the Multimedia Communications Lab, MMCL.
  • Research Fellow, Department for Informatics, University of Oslo, 1993-1997.


PhD level

Neha Singh Gabrielsen (Department of Education) (academic co-supervisor)

Anja Amundrud (Department of Education) (academic co-supervisor)

Sumit Pandey (Department of Informatics) Transparency and intentionality: Implications on designing technologies and design practices (academic co-supervisor)

Master level

I teach at the Communication, Design and Learning field of study.


Member of the steering committee and demo/interactive event chair for International conference for Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) 2003, member of the steering committee and poster and demonstration chair for European Conference on Object Oriented Programming (ECOOP) 2004, member of the program committee and responsible for the exhibition at Nordic Digital Excellence in Museums (NODEM) 2006, member of the organizing committee for Fourth Nordic Conference on Cultural and Activity Research (ISCAR) 2007, member of the program committee of the International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU) 2013 and 2015, member of the program committee of NODEM 2014, member of the organizing committee for Nordic Design Research Conference (NORDES) 2009, member of the program committee for NORDES 2011 and 2017. Guest editor of Futures (2021). 

Tags: Education, ICT and learning, Design-based research, Participatory design, Citizenship, EngageLab


  • Amundrud, Anja; Christensen, Ingrid; Smørdal, Ole & Ludvigsen, Sten Runar (2023). Exploring the Potential of a Co-Creation Platform for Children and Youth. In Damsa, Crina I.; Borge, Marcela; Koh, Elizabeth & Worsley, Marcelo (Ed.), Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning - CSCL 2023. International Society of the Learning Sciences. ISSN 9783030895815.
  • Amundrud, Anja; Rasmussen, Ingvill; Smørdal, Ole & Ludvigsen, Sten Runar (2023). Classroom Talk for Learning: Support for and From Microblogging. In Damsa, Crina I.; Borge, Marcela; Koh, Elizabeth & Worsley, Marcelo (Ed.), Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning - CSCL 2023. International Society of the Learning Sciences. ISSN 9783030895815.
  • Major, Louis; Smørdal, Ole; Warwick, Paul; Rasmussen, Ingvill; Cook, Victoria & Vrikki, Maria (2022). Investigating digital technology’s role in supporting classroom dialogue: integrating enacted affordance into analysis across a complex dataset. International Journal of Research & Method in Education. ISSN 1743-727X. doi: 10.1080/1743727X.2022.2032632.
  • Amundrud, Anja; Smørdal, Ole & Rasmussen, Ingvill (2021). #Fact or #opinion: the educational design of a microblogging activity intended to engage students in productive interactions. Technology, Pedagogy and Education. ISSN 1475-939X. doi: 10.1080/1475939X.2021.1991997. Full text in Research Archive
  • Amundrud, Anja; Smørdal, Ole; Zhang, Jianwei; Chen, Mei-Hwa; Kalir, Remi & Chen, Bodong [Show all 11 contributors for this article] (2021). Advancing technology environments for learning communities. In Hmelo-Silver, Cindy E.; De Wever, Bram & Oshima, Jun (Ed.), Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning - CSCL 2021. International Society of the Learning Sciences, Inc.. ISSN 978-1-7373306-2-2. p. 239–248. Full text in Research Archive
  • Smørdal, Ole; Rasmussen, Ingvill & Major, Louis (2021). Supporting classroom dialogue through developing the Talkwall microblogging tool: considering emerging concepts that bridge theory, practice and design. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy. ISSN 1891-943X. 2, p. 50–64. Full text in Research Archive
  • Ludvigsen, Sten Runar; Warwick, Paul; Rasmussen, Ingvill; Rødnes, Kari Anne; Smørdal, Ole & Major, Louis (2019). Learning as Gap-Closing In and Across Subject: Digitalised Dialogues Across the Curriculum. In Makitalo, Åsa; Nicewong, Todd E. & Elam, Mark (Ed.), Designs for Experimentation and Inquiry. Approaching Learning and Knowing in Digital Transformation. Routledge. ISSN 978-1-13-8592711. p. 31–49. Full text in Research Archive
  • Smørdal, Ole & Rasmussen, Ingvill (2019). Bridging concepts as intermediary knowledge in design: productive dialogues and the Talkwall microblogging tool. In Lund, Kristine; Niccolai, G; Hmelo-Silver, Cindy E.; Gweon, G & Baker, Michael J. (Ed.), A Wide Lens: Combining Embodied, Enactive, Extended, and Embedded Learning in Collaborative Settings, 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) 2019, Volume 1. International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS). ISSN 978-1-7324672-3-1. p. 993–996.
  • Gil, Alfredo Jornet; Arnseth, Hans Christian & Smørdal, Ole (2019). Makerspaces in the Making: Reconfiguring Cultures of Facilitation across the Kindergarten and the Science Museum. In Blum-Ross, Alicia; Kumpulainen, Kristiina & Marsh, Jackie (Ed.), Enhancing Digital Literacy and Creativity. Makerspaces in the Early Years. Routledge. ISSN 9780367197889.
  • Smørdal, Ole; Wensaas, Kristina Ebbing; Lopes-Aparicio, Susana; Pettersen, Ida Nilstad & Hoelscher, Kristian (2016). Key issues for enhancing citizen participation in co-constructing city futures. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. ISSN 1613-0073. 1776 , p. 68–75. Full text in Research Archive
  • Tran, Cathy; Smørdal, Ole & Conley, A. (2016). The Interaction between Design Features and Learners’ Goals: A Case Study of a Science Museum Game . ID&A Interaction design & architecture(s). ISSN 1826-9745. 29(29), p. 24–51.
  • Smørdal, Ole; Liestøl, Gunnar & Erstad, Ola (2016). Exploring situated knowledge building using mobile augmented reality . QWERTY - Interdisciplinary Journal of Technology, Culture and Education. ISSN 1828-7344. 11(1).
  • Johannesen, Monica; Øgrim, Leikny & Smørdal, Ole (2016). Facebook as an actor - a case of students negotiating their social presence in an online course. Seminar.net - Media, technology and lifelong learning. ISSN 1504-4831. 12(1). doi: 10.21125/iceri.2016.0307. Full text in Research Archive
  • Liestøl, Gunnar; Smørdal, Ole & Erstad, Ola (2015). STEM–Learning by means of Mobile Augmented Reality. Exploring the Potential of Augmenting Classroom Learning with Situated Simulations and Practical Activities on Location. In Chova, L. Gómez; Martínez, A. López & Torres, I. Candel (Ed.), Edulearn15 Proceedings. International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED). ISSN 978-84-606-8243-1. p. 6515–6523.
  • Stuedahl, Dagny & Smørdal, Ole (2015). Matters of Becoming - Experimental zones for making museums public with social media. CoDesign - International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts. ISSN 1571-0882. 11(3-4), p. 193–207. doi: 10.1080/15710882.2015.1081245.
  • Smørdal, Ole; Stuedahl, Dagny & Sem, Idunn (2014). Experimental zones: two cases of exploring frames of participation in a dialogic museum. Digital Creativity. ISSN 1462-6268. 25(3), p. 224–232. doi: 10.1080/14626268.2014.904366.
  • Sandvik, Margareth; Smørdal, Ole & Østerud, Svein (2012). Exploring iPads in Practitioners' Repertoires for Language Learning and Literacy Practices in Kindergarten. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy. ISSN 1891-943X. 03, p. 204–221.
  • Moen, Anne & Smørdal, Ole (2012). RareICT: A web-based resource to augment self-care and independence with a rare medical condition. Work : A journal of Prevention, Assesment and rehabilitation. ISSN 1051-9815. 41(3), p. 329–337. doi: 10.3233/WOR-2012-1303.
  • Rasmussen, Ingvill; Lund, Andreas & Smørdal, Ole (2012). Visualisation of Trajectories of Participation in a Wiki: A Basis for Feedback and Assessment? Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy. ISSN 1891-943X. p. 21–35.
  • Stuedahl, Dagny & Smørdal, Ole (2011). Young visitors' "messing around" in museums : exploring social media to engage teens in participation. Barn – forskning om barn og barndom i Norden. ISSN 0800-1669. 29(3/4), p. 169–190.
  • Jahreie, Cecilie Flo; Arnseth, Hans Christian; Krange, Ingeborg; Smørdal, Ole & Kluge, Anders (2011). Designing for play-based learning of concepts in science – Technological tools for bridging school and science museum contexts. Children, Youth and Environments. ISSN 1546-2250. 21(2). Full text in Research Archive
  • Stuedahl, Dagny & Smørdal, Ole (2011). Designing for Young Visitors’ Co-composition of Doubts in Cultural Historical Exhibitions. Computers and Composition. ISSN 8755-4615. 28(3), p. 215–223. doi: 10.1016/j.compcom.2011.07.008.
  • Moen, Anne & Smørdal, Ole (2010). Sharing Sensitive Health Matters Online - Design Challenges for Participation and Polyvocality. In Fitzpatrick, Geraldine; Höök, Kristina; Balaam, Madeline; Grönvall, Erik & Berthelsen, Olav W. (Ed.), Therapeutic Strategies. A Challenge for User Involvement in Design. Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University. ISSN 0105-8517. p. 42–50.
  • Morrison, Andrew; Smørdal, Ole; Lund, Andreas & Moen, Anne (2010). Multiple Activity—Multiple Mediation: Conceptualizing and Furthering the Use of Wikis. In Morrison, Andrew (Eds.), Inside Multimodal Composition. Hampton Press. ISSN 1-57273-958-4. p. 361–382.
  • Stuedahl, Dagny & Smørdal, Ole (2010). Design as Alignment of Modalities. In Morrison, Andrew (Eds.), Inside Multimodal Composition. Hampton Press. ISSN 1-57273-958-4. p. 295–318.

View all works in Cristin

  • Amundrud, Anja & Smørdal, Ole (2024). Include - Samskaping.
  • Smørdal, Ole (2023). Forskernatt - Forskernes eget talkshow.
  • Monica, Bjermeland; Amundrud, Anja; Smørdal, Ole & Tellefsen, Sølvi (2023). Bør alle kommuner skaffe seg en gaming-ekspert? Forskning.no. ISSN 1891-635X.
  • Bjermeland, Monica; Amundrud, Anja; Smørdal, Ole & Tellefsen, Sølvi (2023). DET GRØNNE SKIFTET: En gamingekspert i hver kommune?
  • Tortzen, Anne; Smørdal, Ole; Solberg, Nina; Tellefsen, Sølvi; Leikanger, Iris & Sønstegaard, Hanne Marie (2023). Medvirkning og samskaping i klimaarbeidet – fra politiske ambisjoner til praksis.
  • Rasmussen, Ingvill & Smørdal, Ole (2022). Ny versjon av Samtavla.
  • Rasmussen, Ingvill & Smørdal, Ole (2022). Ny versjon av Samtavla.
  • Smørdal, Ole (2022). Breivoll fabrikker – bærekraft gjennom samskaping?
  • Smørdal, Ole & Amundrud, Anja (2022). Samskaping og digitale plattformer.
  • Smørdal, Ole (2022). Inkludering og samskaping på Breivoll.
  • Smørdal, Ole & Amundrud, Anja (2022). Deltagelse og inkludering på Breivoll.
  • Smørdal, Ole & Amundrud, Anja (2022). Deltagelse og inkludering på Breivoll.
  • Smørdal, Ole & Amundrud, Anja (2022). Deltagelse og inkludering på Breivoll.
  • Smørdal, Ole; Amundrud, Anja & Gabrielsen, Neha Singh (2022). Mot nye EVU-tilbud innen bærekraftig omstilling.
  • Knain, Erik; Jornet Gil, Alfredo; Smørdal, Ole & Sæther, Elin (2022). Nøkkelen FNs klimapanel ikke snakker om. Klassekampen. ISSN 0805-3839.
  • Smørdal, Ole & Amundrud, Anja (2022). IPEDs deltakelse i INCLUDE – et forskningssenter for sosialt inkluderende energiomstilling.
  • Westskog, Hege; Smørdal, Ole & Solberg, Nina (2022). Mot nye EVU-tilbud innen klima- og miljøomstilling.
  • Smørdal, Ole (2022). Inclusion and Hovinbyen.
  • Wiebe, Joel; Slotta, Jim; Smørdal, Ole; Amundrud, Anja; Rasmussen, Ingvill & Hod, Yotam [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2022). A Cross-cutting Introduction to Technologies for Learning Communities.
  • Smørdal, Ole (2022). SPARK Social Innovation Educational Forum: Erfaringer fra partnerskap mellom offentlige, private og sosiale aktører.
  • Amundrud, Anja; Rasmussen, Ingvill & Smørdal, Ole (2021). Exploring how co-located microblogging can support young students’ collaborative reasoning.
  • Winther, Tanja; Inderberg, Tor Håkon Jackson; Røe, Per Gunnar & Smørdal, Ole (2021). Møte med rep. fra Energi- og vassdragsavdelingen i Olje- og energidepartementet (OED).
  • Smørdal, Ole (2021). Prosjekter i WP4, Include.
  • Winther, Tanja; Inderberg, Tor Håkon Jackson; Smørdal, Ole; Westskog, Hege & Berge, Erik (2021). Møte med Include-partner Troms og Finnmark fylkeskommune.
  • Røe, Per Gunnar; Smørdal, Ole & Westskog, Hege (2021). Includes prosjekter og rød tråd.
  • Sævarsdottir, Margret; Hovland, marit & Smørdal, Ole (2021). ‘SustainableFood’, a school-NGO collaboration towards more sustainable food consumption".
  • Dolonen, Jan Arild & Smørdal, Ole (2020). Hvordan brukes teknologi for å få flere til å delta i samtaler?
  • Sævarsdottir, Margret; Hovland, Marit & Smørdal, Ole (2020). Matvinn - samarbeid mellom frivillige og skolen om bærekraft .
  • Winther, Tanja & Smørdal, Ole (2020). Dialgmøte med Utdanningsforbundet.
  • Winther, Tanja; Westskog, Hege; Jackson Inderberg, Tor Håkon; Røe, Per Gunnar & Smørdal, Ole (2020). Møte med 22 brukerpartnere Include.
  • Smørdal, Ole (2020). Bærekraft i fagfornyelsen.
  • Smørdal, Ole (2020). Learning analytics in Talkwall.
  • Smørdal, Ole (2020). Samtavla.no: Design og deling av undervisningsopplegg for kritisk tenkning .
  • Winther, Tanja; Jackson Inderberg, Tor Håkon; Røe, Per Gunnar; Westskog, Hege & Smørdal, Ole (2020). Dialogmøte med OED om Include.
  • Jornet Gil, Alfredo; Arnseth, Hans Christian & Smørdal, Ole (2019). Makerspaces in the Making: Reconfiguring Cultures of Facilitation across the Kindergarten and the Science Museum. In Blum-Ross, Alicia; Kumpulainen, Kristiina & Marsh, Jackie (Ed.), Enhancing Digital Literacy and Creativity. Makerspaces in the Early Years. Routledge. ISSN 9780367197889.
  • Smørdal, Ole; Hennissen, Grete Kristin; Hoelscher, Kristian; Wensaas, Kristina ebbing; Lopez-Aparicio, Susana & Pettersen, Ida Nilstad [Show all 8 contributors for this article] (2019). Co-Constructing City Futures: Enabling Participation in Urban Planning Processes with ICTs.
  • Smørdal, Ole; Pettersen, Ida Nilstad; Wensaas, Kristina ebbing; Hoelscher, Kristian; Lopez-Aparicio, Susana & Ngo, Hoang Bao (2019). delta.framtidstrondheim.no.
  • Wensaas, Kristina ebbing & Smørdal, Ole (2019). Det femte bidraget – medvirkning og samskaping (sluttseminar).
  • Wensaas, Kristina ebbing & Smørdal, Ole (2019). Det femte bidraget – medvirkning og samskaping (midtveisseminar).
  • Wensaas, Kristina ebbing; Djurhus, Mads; Smørdal, Ole; Pettersen, Ida Nilstad; Hoelscher, Kristian & Lopez-Aparicio, Susana (2019). Framtidsbilder Trondheim senturm 2050 som medvirkningsprosjekt.
  • Smørdal, Ole; Rasmussen, Ingvill; Nesnass, Richard & Ngo, Hoang Bao (2019). samtavla.no - redesign and Feide integration.
  • Smørdal, Ole & Rasmussen, Ingvill (2019). samtavla.no - delingsplattform for undervisningsmaler.
  • Rasmussen, Ingvill; Smørdal, Ole; Amundrud, Anja Skrepstad; Frøytlog, Jo Inge Johansen; Omland, Maren & Dolonen, Jan Arild [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2019). Dialogisk undervisning med digitale verktøy. Ressurser for lærere.
  • Amundrud, Anja Skrepstad & Smørdal, Ole (2019). Developing Educational Technologies: The continuous Improvement of Talkwall.
  • Jornet, Alfredo; Arnseth, Hans Christian & Smørdal, Ole (2018). Making Collaborating. A Cultural-Historical approach to pedagogical innovation.
  • Jornet, Alfredo; Arnseth, Hans Christian & Smørdal, Ole (2018). Makerspace-Making. Tensions and opportunities in design-based inquiry across kindergarten and museum.
  • Gil, Alfredo Jornet & Smørdal, Ole (2018). Designing for making across kindergarten and science museum: Tensions and opportunities .
  • Rasmussen, Ingvill & Smørdal, Ole (2018). Samtavla.no – trening i kritisk tenkning.
  • Smørdal, Ole (2018). Emerging Concepts for Co-Designing Technology for Dialogic Practices – the case with Talkwall.
  • Pettersen, Ida Nilstad; Smørdal, Ole; Wensaas, Kristina Ebbing & Lopez-Aparicio, Susana (2017). Citizen engagement in mobility-related sustainable urban development: Current practices, challenges and opportunities for change.
  • Pettersen, Ida Nilstad & Smørdal, Ole (2017). Digital tools for citizen engagement in sustainable urban development: their relevance to the everyday life of citizens and professionals.
  • Rasmussen, Ingvill & Smørdal, Ole (2016). Samtavla http://www.samtavla.no.
  • Rødnes, Kari Anne; Rasmussen, Ingvill; Ludvigsen, Sten Runar; Smørdal, Ole & Frøytlog, Jo Inge Johansen (2016). Digitalised Dialogues Across the Curriculum (DiDiAC): Design-based interventions for developing 21st-century skills.
  • Smørdal, Ole (2016). Connecting learning across contexts - two design cases.
  • Smørdal, Ole (2016). Participatory Design & Design for Participation, a case with Talkwall.
  • Smørdal, Ole & Østerud, Svein (2015). An inquiry based writing workshop with iPads in a 4th grade science classroom.
  • Smørdal, Ole; Liestøl, Gunnar & Erstad, Ola (2015). Building ecologies for knowledge building.
  • Hemmersam, Peter; Morrison, Andrew; Aspen, Jonny; Martin, Nicole Rae; Sem, Idunn & Smørdal, Ole [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2014). MAPPA - a collaborative tool for mapping the city.
  • Smørdal, Ole; Nesnass, Richard; Pierroux, Palmyre & Sem, Idunn (2014). Snøkult: Designing a multitouch table for co-composition in an educational setting.
  • Smørdal, Ole & Slotta, Jim (2014). Enacting science inqury scripts across contexts and in hybrid spaces.
  • Rasmussen, Ingvill & Smørdal, Ole (2013). Demonstrasjon: Computer-supported note-sharing to enhance joint sense-making.
  • Isdal, Edith; Haavie, Jon; Sem, Idunn; Nesnass, Richard; Toussaint, Jeremy & Smørdal, Ole [Show all 17 contributors for this article] (2013). Prototype Workshop ved Norsk Teknisk Museum.
  • Stuedahl, Dagny & Smørdal, Ole (2013). Collaboration and Co-design.
  • Tran, Cathy & Smørdal, Ole (2013). Motivated interactions with digital games in a science center.
  • Stuedahl, Dagny & Smørdal, Ole (2012). Studying museums blogs and Facebook activities as platforms for new types of audience relations.
  • Smørdal, Ole & Slotta, Jim (2012). Science Hub: A digital medium for supporting 
collective science inquiry in hybrid spaces.
  • Stuedahl, Dagny & Smørdal, Ole (2012). Experimental zones – spaces for new forms of participation in museum exhibition development.
  • Stuedahl, Dagny & Smørdal, Ole (2012). Matters of durability, maintenance and continuity in digital intangible heritage.
  • Bakken, Sven Magne; Haavie, Jon; Isdal, Edith; Toussaint, Jeremy; Nesnass, Richard & Krange, Ingeborg [Show all 10 contributors for this article] (2012). Varmepumpespill - installasjon i utstillingen EnergiTivoli.
  • Jahreie, Cecilie Flo; Smørdal, Ole & Stuedahl, Dagny (2011). IKT-støttet læring på tvers av skole og museer/vitensentre.
  • Pierroux, Palmyre; Smørdal, Ole & Birkeland, Anne (2011). Designing Learning Technologies for ‘The Budding Researcher’ in a Geological Exhibition.
  • Stuedahl, Dagny & Smørdal, Ole (2011). Re-thinking museum assemblies.
  • Wensaas, Kristina ebbing; Pettersen, Ida Nilstad & Smørdal, Ole (2020). The case study “Framtidsbilder Trondheim sentrum 2050”. Universitetet i Oslo. Full text in Research Archive
  • Fitzpatrick, Geraldine; Höök, Kristina; Balaam, Madeline; Grönvall, Erik; Moen, Anne & Berthelsen, Olav W. [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2010). Therapeutic Strategies. A Challenge for User Involvement in Design. Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University. ISSN 0105-8517.

View all works in Cristin

Published June 18, 2013 1:38 PM - Last modified July 11, 2024 8:49 AM
