One day online conference: Leading Higher Education As and For Public Good - How can teaching and learning contribute to a sustainable future?

Because of the coronavirus outbreak, we had to postpone the May 2020 conference celebrating what we have learned from Formation and Competence Building of University Academic Developers project. Instead, we are convening an online conference on 29 April 2021, and we look forward to seeing you on Zoom then.

Book cover. Photo.

Book cover: Routledge

Videos and presentations

Follow this link to find video recordings of Barnetts and Feltens Key notes, the panel discussion, and PP presentations from the reading circle sessions, etc.

About the conference

The conference focuses on sustainability as a public good and poses the question: How can teaching and learning lead to a sustainable future? Professor Ron Barnett (from University College London) and Professor Peter Felten (from Elon University) will give two key notes to answer this question, and we will have Reading Circles to discuss the recent book chapters from Leading Higher Education as and for Public Good: Rekindling as Praxis, edited by Tone Dyrdal Solbrekke (from University of Oslo) and Ciaran Sugrue (from University College Dublin). Professor Inga Bostad (from University of Oslo) will moderate a panel on theories and practices of sustainability in higher education.

Who will benefit from this conference?

The target group for this conference is employees in higher education, both teachers and leaders, but also administrative staff, university educators and students - and we welcome higher education politicians.


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Key Note speakers

Professor emeritus Ronald Barnett, Emeritus Professor of Higher Education, Institute of Education, University College London

Professor Peter Felten, Executive Director of the Center for Engaged Learning, Assistant Provost, and Professor of History, Elon University

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Panel on Theories on and Practices for Sustainability

Join Professor Inga Bostad (from University of Oslo) who will moderate a panel on theories of and educational practices for furthering sustainability in higher education

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Reading Circles

All who have registered for the conference will receive a free copy of the e-book Leading Higher Education as and for Public Good: Rekindling as Praxis, edited by Tone Dyrdal Solbrekke and Ciaran Sugrue. Choose one of the chapters and join a conversation with the authors of the chapters and colleagues from the Norwegian Network for University and College Pedagogy (Norsk nettverk for universitets og høgskolepedagogikk). 

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Logo of til Uppsala Universitet.Logo of University of TromsøLogo of Õrebro universitetLogo with text saying "UCD Dublin"Logo of The University of OsloLogo of The University of North Carolina at Chapel HillLogo of The Research Council of Norway



In collaboration with the Norwegian Network for University and College Pedagogy Norsk nettverk for universitets og høgskolepedagogikk 

Published Dec. 10, 2019 3:57 PM - Last modified July 6, 2023 9:44 AM