Leading Higher Education As and For Public Good - How Can Teaching and Learning Contribute to a Sustainable Future?

Image may contain: Green, Leaf, Yellow, Line, Pattern.

Panel Discussion

Professor Inga Bostad from the Department of Education at UiO will be in conversation with Professor Eevi Beck (Department of Education, UiO) and Rahwa Yohaness (student in the Social Sciences Department and activist) on current theories of sustainability, and will then turn to Felicia Garcia (Centre for Academic Development, Örebro University), Elodie Szygenda (a MA student from IPED), and Professor Kristin Heggen (Faculty of Medicine, UiO) to discuss practices for teaching and learning to further sustainability as and for public good.

Throughout the conversation, we encourage the audience to submit comments and questions in the Zoom chat, and we will pause the conversation for you to join the discussion.

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Published Mar. 8, 2021 4:52 PM - Last modified Mar. 11, 2021 9:17 PM