Monika Bærøe Nerland

Bilde av Monika Bærøe Nerland
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Besøksadresse Institutt for pedagogikk Helga Engs hus 5. etasje Sem Sælands vei 7 0317 Oslo
Postadresse Postboks 1092 Blindern 0317 Oslo

Faglige interesser

  • Kunnskapsutvikling og læring i høyere utdanning og arbeidsliv
  • Profesjonsutdanning og profesjonslæring
  • Kunnskapspraksis i ulike organisasjoner

Pågående aktiviteter

  • Prosjektleder for Changing competence requirements in public services: consequences of digitization in general and highly specialized work (CORPUS), et prosjekt finansiert gjennom VAM-programmet i Norges forskningsråd (2019-2024). Prosjektet gjennomføres som et samarbeid mellom IPED og Institutt for informatikk ved UiO, med finske og svenske partnere.
  • Leder for forskergruppen HEDWORK
  • Koordinator for studieretningen Kunnskapsutvikling og læring i arbeidslivet (master i pedagogikk)

Fullførte prosjekter

  • Quality of Norwegian Higher Education: Pathways, Practices and Performances,  prosjekt finansiert gjennom FINNUT-programmet i Norges forskningsråd (2014–2018). Prosjektet ble gjennomført som et samarbeid mellom NIFU og Institutt for pedagogikk, med partnere fra Universitetet i Helsinki, Universitetet i Tromsø og Høgskolen i Lillehammer. Mer informasjon
  • NFR-prosjektet Horizontal Governance and Learning Dynamics in Higher Education (2012–2016). Prosjektleder sammen med Peter Maassen. Prosjektet undersøkte hvordan politiske prosesser og transformasjoner i ekspertkulturer bidrar til å endre organisering og læring i høyere utdanning. Blant prosjektets aktiviteter var studier av hvordan studenter innvies i ekspertkulturer i utvalgte profesjonsorienterte programmer. Mer informasjon (engelsk).
  • Learning Trajectories in Knowledge Economies (LiKE), finansiert av NFR (2008–2011). Prosjektleder fra  oktober 2009.
  • Professional Learning in a Changing Society (ProLearn), finansiert av NFR (2004–2008). Postdoc. / prosjektmedlem. Prosjektleder: Karen Jensen.
  • Instrumentalundervisning som kulturell praksis: en studie av hovedinstrumentundervisning i høyere musikkutdanning. Doktorgradsprosjekt, 1998–2003.


  • PED4403  "Ekspertfellesskap og modeller for kunnskapsdeling"
  • PED4405 "Innsamling og analyse av feltdata i organisasjoner"
  • PhD kurs i kvalitativ metode
  • UV9040B Forskningsseminar for PhD-kandidater
  • Veiledning av PhD- og masterstudenter med temaer innenfor høyere utdanning og arbeidslivslæring



  • Dr.Polit, Universitetet i Oslo, Det Utdanningsvitenskapelige Fakultet (2003)
  • Cand. Musicae med hovedfag i musikkpedagogikk, Norges musikkhøgskole (1994)


  • Forskningsopphold ved University of Sydney, Centre for Research on Learning and Innovation (2018),University of California, Berkeley, Center for Studies in Higher Education (2012), University of London, Institute for Education (2006) og University of Wisconsin-Madison, Dept. of Curriculum and Instruction (2000)
  • Erfaring fra forskning og undervisning ved UiO, Høgskolen i Oslo, Høgskolen i Vestfold, Høgskolen i Tromsø og Norges musikkhøgskole

Verv og oppnevnelser

  • Medlem av faglig råd for kvalitetsprogrammene i DIKU / HK-dir (2020 - 2023)
  • Leder for forskergruppen HEDWORK ( og tidligere ExCID) ved UiO, Det utdanningsvitenskapelige fakultet (2016-2020; 2023 - )
  • Medlem i styringsgruppen for CEMPE Senter for fremragende utdanning i musikkutøving, Norges musikkhøgskole (2019 - 2023)
  • Adjunct professor ved Charles Sturt University, the Education for Practice Institute (2013-2015)
  • Koordinator for forskerutdanningen ved Institutt for pedagogikk (01.2013 - 07.2016)
  • Sporleder for NATED National Graduate School in Educational Research, Spor 4 (2014-2016)
  • Medlem av Fagkomiteen for samfunnsvitenskap, Norges forskningsråd (2010- 2012)
  • Styremedlem, Pedagogisk forskningsinstitutt, UiO (2009- 2012); Institutt for pedagogikk, UiO (2017-2020)


  • Mottaker av Hans Majestet Kongens Gullmedalje for doktoravhandlingen, UiO, 2003- 2004
  • UV-fakultetets undervisningspris, 2014
Emneord: Pedagogikk, Profesjonskunnskap, Profesjonsutdanning, Høyere utdanning, Arbeidslivslæring, Kunnskapspraksiser


  • Keskinen, Katri A.; Juntunen, Marja-Leena & Nerland, Monika (2024). Expanding professionalism in popular music voice teaching: A framework synthesis. Research Studies in Music Education. ISSN 1321-103X. doi: 10.1177/1321103X231223414. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Sadorge, Christopher; Nerland, Monika & Grisot, Miria (2023). The Generative Role of Objects in Infrastructure Design: A Case of Designing a System for Continuity of Care. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). ISSN 0925-9724. doi: 10.1007/s10606-023-09485-4. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Nerland, Monika; Hasu, Mervi & Grisot, Miria (2023). Discourses of Digitalisation and the Positioning of Workers in Primary Care: A Norwegian Case Study. Social Inclusion. ISSN 2183-2803. 11(4), s. 172–183. doi: 10.17645/si.v11i4.7121. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Brandenberger, Isabel Alexandra; Hasu, Mervi & Nerland, Monika (2023). Integrating technology with work practices in primary care: Challenges to sustainable organizing "from within". Learning Organization. ISSN 0969-6474. doi: 10.1108/TLO-01-2023-0009. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Sadorge, Christopher; Nerland, Monika & Mäkitalo, Åsa (2023). Conditioning the work of colleagues: health professionals’ explorative work in technology design. Vocations and Learning. ISSN 1874-785X. doi: 10.1007/s12186-023-09331-0. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Langemeyer, Ines & Nerland, Monika (2022). Undergraduate Research: Sociocultural Perspectives. I Mieg, Harald A.; Ambos, Elizabeth; Brew, Angela; Galli, Dominique & Lehmann, Judith (Red.), The Cambridge Handbook of Undergraduate Research. Cambridge University Press. ISSN 9781108835923. s. 59–71.
  • Nerland, Monika (2022). Organisational learning in complex epistemic environments: reflections from studies of professional work in Norway. Learning Organization. ISSN 0969-6474. doi: 10.1108/TLO-02-2022-0025. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Jensen, Karen; Nerland, Monika Bærøe & Tronsmo, Eli (2022). Changing Cultural Conditions for Knowledge Sharing in the Teaching Profession: A Theoretical Reinterpretation of Findings Across Three Research Projects. Professions and Professionalism. ISSN 1893-1049. 11(3), s. 1–20. doi: 10.7577/pp.4267. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Nerland, Monika & Hasu, Mervi (2020). Challenging the belief in simple solutions: The need for epistemic practices in professional work. Medical Education. ISSN 0308-0110. doi: 10.1111/medu.14294. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Nerland, Monika (2020). Exploring student participation challenges in student-centred learning environments. I Elken, Mari; Maassen, Peter; Nerland, Monika; Prøitz, Tine Sophie; Stensaker, Bjørn & Vabø, Agnete (Red.), Quality Work in Higher Education. Organisational and Pedagogical Dimensions. Springer. ISSN 978-3-030-41756-7. s. 97–113.
  • Nordkvelle, Yngve Troye; Stalheim, Odd Rune; Fossland, Trine; de Lange, Thomas; Wittek, Anne Line & Nerland, Monika Bærøe (2020). Praksisnær undervisning med simulering og rollespill , Praksisnær undervisning – i praksis og teori. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISSN 9788202632588. s. 99–119. doi: 10.23865/noasp.94.ch6. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Nerland, Monika (2019). Beyond policy: Conceptualising student-centred learning environments in higher (music) education. I Gies, Stefan & Sætre, Jon Helge (Red.), Becoming musicians: Student involvement and teacher collaboration in higher music education. Norges musikkhøgskole. ISSN 978-82-7853-273-7. s. 53–66. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-41757-4_6. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Lina, Markauskaite; Muukkonen, Hanni; Damsa, Crina I.; Reimann, Peter; Shaffer, David & Thompson, Kate [Vis alle 9 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2019). Theories and Methods for Researching Interdisciplinary Learning, A Wide Lens: Combining Embodied, Enactive, Extended, and Embedded Learning in Collaborative Settings. 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) 2019, Volume 2.. International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS). ISSN 978-1-7324672-4-8. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Esterhazy, Rachelle; Nerland, Monika & Damsa, Crina I. (2019). Designing for productive feedback: an analysis of two undergraduate courses in biology and engineering. Teaching in Higher Education. ISSN 1356-2517. doi: 10.1080/13562517.2019.1686699. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Damsa, Crina I.; Nerland, Monika & Andreadakis, Zacharias (2019). An ecological perspective on learner‐constructed learning spaces. British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET). ISSN 0007-1013. 50(5), s. 2075–2089. doi: 10.1111/bjet.12855. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Nerland, Monika & Damsa, Crina I. (2019). VET as Lifelong Learning: Engagement With Distributed Knowledge in Software Engineering. I Guile, David & Unwin, Lorna (Red.), The Wiley Handbook of Vocational Education and Training. Wiley-Blackwell. ISSN 9781119098591. s. 395–414. doi: 10.1002/9781119098713.ch20.
  • Nordkvelle, Yngve Troye; Stalheim, Odd Rune; Fossland, Trine; de Lange, Thomas; Wittek, Anne Line & Nerland, Monika (2019). Simulating: Bridging the Gap Between Practice and Theory in Higher Professional Education. I Trimmer, Karen; Newman, Tara & Padró, Fernando (Red.), Ensuring Quality in Professional Education Volume I. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-030-01095-9. s. 53–72. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-01096-6_3.
  • Hopwood, Nick & Nerland, Monika (2019). Epistemic Practices in Professional-Client Partnership Work. Vocations and Learning. ISSN 1874-785X. 12(2), s. 319–339. doi: 10.1007/s12186-018-9214-2. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Ludvigsen, Sten Runar & Nerland, Monika (2018). Learning at work: Social practices and units of analysis. I Fischer, Frank; Hmelo-Silver, Cindy E.; Goldman, Susan R. & Reimann, Peter (Red.), International Handbook of the Learning Sciences. Routledge. ISSN 9781138670594. s. 147–156.
  • Maassen, Peter; Nerland, Monika & Yates, Lyn (2018). Reconfiguring knowledge: Emerging themes and research avenues. I Maassen, Peter; Nerland, Monika & Yates, Lyn (Red.), Reconfiguring Knowledge in Higher Education. Springer Nature. ISSN 978-3-319-72831-5. s. 187–202. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-72832-2_11.
  • Tronsmo, Eli & Nerland, Monika (2018). Local curriculum development as object construction: A sociomaterial analysis. Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies. ISSN 0742-051X. 72, s. 33–43. doi: 10.1016/j.tate.2018.02.008. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Nerland, Monika (2018). Knowledge practices and relations in professional education. Studies in Continuing Education. ISSN 0158-037X. 40(3), s. 242–256. doi: 10.1080/0158037X.2018.1447919. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • de Lange, Thomas & Nerland, Monika (2018). Learning to Teach and Teaching to Learn: Exploring Microteaching as a Site for Knowledge Integration in Teacher Education. I Maassen, Peter; Nerland, Monika & Yates, Lyn (Red.), Reconfiguring Knowledge in Higher Education. Springer Nature. ISSN 978-3-319-72831-5. s. 169–185. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-72832-2_10.
  • Nerland, Monika & Hermansen, Hege Yvonne (2017). Sosiomaterielle perspektiver på profesjonskvalifisering: Kunnskapsressursenes betydning. I Mausethagen, Sølvi & Smeby, Jens-Christian (Red.), Kvalifisering til profesjonell yrkesutøvelse. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 9788215026459. s. 167–179. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Damsa, Crina I.; Nerland, Monika & Jensen, Karen (2017). Enrolment of first-year students in knowledge domains: Unpacking transformative practices in three introductory courses. I Kyndt, Eva; Donche, Vincent; Trigwell, Keith & Lindblom-Ylänne, Sari (Red.), Higher Education Transitions: Theory and Research. Routledge. ISSN 978-1138670884. doi: 10.4324/9781315617367-20.
  • Enqvist-Jensen, Cecilie; Nerland, Monika & Rasmussen, Ingvill (2017). Maintaining doubt to keep problems open for exploration: An analysis of law students' collaborative work with case assignments. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction. ISSN 2210-6561. 13, s. 38–49. doi: 10.1016/j.lcsi.2017.02.001. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Gherardi, Silvia; Jensen, Karen & Nerland, Monika (2017). Shadow organizing: a metaphor to explore organizing as intra-relating. Qualitative research in organization and management. ISSN 1746-5648. 12(1), s. 1–17. doi: 10.1108/QROM-06-2016-1385. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Nerland, Monika (2016). Learning to Master Profession-Specific Knowledge Practices: A Prerequisite for the Deliberate Practitioner? I Trede, Franziska & McEwen, Celina (Red.), Educating the Deliberate Professional. Springer Science+Business Media B.V.. ISSN 978-3-319-32956-7. s. 127–139. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-32958-1_9.
  • Damsa, Crina I. & Nerland, Monika (2016). Student Learning Through Participation in Inquiry Activities: Two Case Studies in Teacher and Computer Engineering Education. Vocations and Learning. ISSN 1874-785X. s. 1–20. doi: 10.1007/s12186-016-9152-9.
  • Jensen, Karen & Nerland, Monika (2015). Knowledge dynamics in higher education: Examples from law schools in Norway and their shadow arrangements. I Langemeyer, Ines; Fischer, Martin & Pfadenhauer, Michaela (Red.), Epistemic and learning cultures – wohin sich Universitäten entwickeln. Verlagsgruppe Beltz. ISSN 978-3-7799-3277-2. s. 46–60.
  • Jensen, Karen; Nerland, Monika & Enqvist-Jensen, Cecilie (2015). Enrolment of newcomers in expert cultures: an analysis of epistemic practices in a legal education introductory course. Higher Education. ISSN 0018-1560. 70(5), s. 867–880. doi: 10.1007/s10734-015-9872-z.
  • Nerland, Monika & Karseth, Berit (2015). The knowledge work of professional associations: approaches to standardisation and forms of legitimisation. Journal of Education and Work. ISSN 1363-9080. 28(1), s. 1–23. doi: 10.1080/13639080.2013.802833.
  • Hermansen, Hege Yvonne & Nerland, Monika (2014). Reworking practice through an AfL project: an analysis of teachers’ collaborative engagement with new assessment guidelines. British Educational Research Journal (BERJ). ISSN 0141-1926. 40(1), s. 187–206. doi: 10.1002/berj.3037.
  • Afdal, Hilde Wågsås & Nerland, Monika (2014). Does Teacher Education Matter? An Analysis of Relations to Knowledge among Norwegian and Finnish Novice Teachers. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. ISSN 0031-3831. 58(3), s. 281–299. doi: 10.1080/00313831.2012.726274.
  • Nerland, Monika & Karseth, Berit (2014). Standardization of professional knowledge and practice: The regulatory role of professional associations in Norway. I Fenwick, Tara; Mangez, Eric & Ozga, Jenny (Red.), World Yearbook of Education 2014: Governing Knowledge; Comparison, Knowledge-Based Technologies and Expertise in the Regulation of Education. Routledge. ISSN 9780415828734.
  • Damsa, Crina I. & Nerland, Monika (2014). Collaborative Knowledge Practices in Higher Education: A Comparative Analysis of Student Learning in Two Undergraduate Programs. I Polman, J. L.,, Kyza, E., O'Neill, D. K., Taba (Red.), Learning and becoming in practice, Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences. International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS). ISSN 978-0-9903550-1-4.
  • Damsa, Crina I.; Muukkonen, Hanni; Nerland, Monika; Lakkala, Minna; Toom, Auli & Kosonen, Kari [Vis alle 10 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2014). Enrollment of higher education students in professional knowledge and practices. I Polman, J. L.,, Kyza, E., O'Neill, D. K., Taba (Red.), Learning and becoming in practice, Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences. International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS). ISSN 978-0-9903550-1-4. s. 1283–1292.
  • Hermansen, Hege & Nerland, Monika (2014). Betydningen av læreres kunnskapsarbeid for utvikling av kollektiv praksis. I Elstad, Eyvind & Helstad, Kristin (Red.), Profesjonsutvikling i skolen. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 978-82-15-02355-7. s. 224–240.
  • Nerland, Monika & Jensen, Karen (2014). Changing Cultures of Knowledge and Professional Learning. I Billett, Stephen; Harteis, Christian & Gruber, Hans (Red.), International Handbook of Research in Professional and Practice-based Learning. Springer. ISSN 978-94-017-8902-8. s. 611–640. doi: 10.1007/978-94-017-8902-8_23.
  • Nerland, Monika & Jensen, Karen (2014). Learning through epistemic practices in professional work. Examples from nursing and engineering. I Fenwick, Tara & Nerland, Monika (Red.), Reconceptualising Professional Learning. Sociomaterial knowledges, practices and responsibilities. Routledge. ISSN 978-0-415-81578-9. s. 25–37.
  • Ludvigsen, Sten Runar & Nerland, Monika (2014). Knowledge Sharing in Professions: Working Creatively with Standards in Local Settings. I Sannino, Annalisa & Ellis, Vivian Thomas (Red.), Learning and Collective Creativity. Activity-Theoretical and Sociocultural Studies. Routledge. ISSN 978-0-415-65710-5. s. 116–131.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Elken, Mari; Maassen, Peter; Nerland, Monika; Prøitz, Tine Sophie; Stensaker, Bjørn & Vabø, Agnete (2020). Quality Work in Higher Education. Organisational and Pedagogical Dimensions. Springer. ISBN 978-3-030-41756-7. 186 s.
  • Maassen, Peter; Nerland, Monika & Yates, Lyn (2018). Reconfiguring Knowledge in Higher Education. Springer Nature. ISBN 978-3-319-72831-5. 208 s.
  • Fenwick, Tara; Nerland, Monika & Jensen, Karen (2014). Professional Learning in Changing Contexts. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-71693-2. 163 s.
  • Fenwick, Tara & Nerland, Monika (2014). Reconceptualising Professional Learning. Sociomaterial knowledges, practices and responsibilities. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-81578-9. 232 s.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Nerland, Monika; Hasu, Mervi ; Grisot, Miria; Aanestad, Margunn; Mäkitalo, Åsa & Saari, Eveliina (2024). Which challenges do digitalisation processes present to healthcare workers? ​ ​Implications for professional expertise, identities and competencies from digital innovation initiatives .
  • Nerland, Monika; Aanestad, Margunn; Hasu, Mervi ; Grisot, Miria & Sundt-Ohlsen, Harald (2023). Nye kompetansebehov i helsesektorens digitaliseringsprosesser. .
  • Sadorge, Christopher & Nerland, Monika (2023). Professional Learning in Design Work: Developing Patient Information Systems through Object Construction.
  • Nerland, Monika; Hasu, Mervi & Grisot, Miria (2023). Discourses of Digitalisation and the Positioning of Workers in Primary Care: A Norwegian Case .
  • Nerland, Monika (2023). Exploring professional knowing and learning in local and extended contexts of practice.
  • Nerland, Monika; Brandenberger, Isabel Alexandra & Hasu, Mervi (2023). Relational meta-work emerging during technology integration in primary care.
  • Hasu, Mervi ; Nerland, Monika & Brandenberger, Isabel Alexandra (2022). Hvordan endrer velferdsteknologi arbeid og kompetanse i tjenestene? Presentasjon av foreløpige forskningsresultater og interaktiv seminar .
  • Brandenberger, Isabel Alexandra; Hasu, Mervi & Nerland, Monika (2022). Reorganising practices in digitalising primary health services: The concerns of welfare technology coordinators.
  • Sadorge, Christopher; Nerland, Monika & Mäkitalo, Åsa (2022). New challenges for health professionals.
  • Nerland, Monika (2022). Researching professional learning in complex environments: Opportunities and challenges from a qualitative research perspective. I Goller, Michael; Paloniemi, Susanna; Kyndt, Eva & Damsa, Crina I. (Red.), Methods for researching professional learning and development: Challenges, applications, and empirical illustrations. Springer Nature. ISSN 9783031085178. s. 603–618. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-08518-5_27.
  • Sadorge, Christopher; Nerland, Monika & Mäkitalo, Åsa (2021). Categorisation work in the design of health information systems.
  • Sadorge, Christopher; Nerland, Monika & Mäkitalo, Åsa (2021). Negotiating categories in design work. A study of a team developing a patient information system .
  • Esterhazy, Rachelle; Damsa, Crina-Ioana & Nerland, Monika Bærøe (2021). Co-creation of knowledge objects in undergraduate education – a qualitative analytical approach .
  • Nerland, Monika (2020). Reconfiguring relations between higher education and work: Knowledge practices and learning in the (post)digital era.
  • Nerland, Monika (2020). Vurdering av kvalitet i høyere utdanning: tanker om virkemidlene, prosessen og søknadene.
  • Nerland, Monika Bærøe & Damsa, Crina-Ioana (2019). VET as Lifelong Learning: Engagement With Distributed Knowledge in Software Engineering. I Guile, David & Unwin, Lorna (Red.), The Wiley Handbook of Vocational Education and Training. Wiley-Blackwell. ISSN 9781119098591. s. 395–414. doi: 10.1002/9781119098713.
  • Damsa, Crina I.; Esterhazy, Rachelle & Nerland, Monika (2019). Analyzing learning through co-creation of knowledge objects in software engineering education.
  • Nerland, Monika (2019). Kvalitetsarbeid i studieprogrammene.
  • Esterhazy, Rachelle; Nerland, Monika & Damsa, Crina I. (2019). Course designs that cater for productive feedback.
  • Nerland, Monika (2019). Kvalitetsarbeid i studieprogrammene: fagene som kontekst for studentaktivisering og kunnskapsintegrasjon. UNIPED. ISSN 1500-4538. 42(1), s. 111–117. doi: 10.18261/issn.1893-8981-2019-01-09.
  • Nerland, Monika (2019). Enhancing student learning in changing knowledge environments: Opportunities and challenges for higher education .
  • Nerland, Monika; Yates, Lyn & Maassen, Peter (2018). Introduction. Higher Education Dynamics. ISSN 1571-0378. 50, s. 1–24. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-72832-2_1.
  • Tronsmo, Eli & Nerland, Monika (2018). The becoming of an object: Analytical resources to studying emerging construction processes in professional work. .
  • Jensen, Karen; Tronsmo, Eli & Nerland, Monika (2018). Changing forms of professionalism: A Qualitative meta-synthesis of teachers' knowledge- sharing practices across three research projects. .
  • Nerland, Monika (2018). Beyond policy: Conceptualising student-centred learning environments in higher (music) education.
  • Elken, Mari; Maassen, Peter; Nerland, Monika; Stensaker, Bjørn & Vabø, Agnete (2018). Sentrale funn og anbefalinger fra QNHE prosjektet .
  • Nerland, Monika (2018). "Aktiv læring" / Studentaktiviserende undervisning:Noen implikasjoner for utdanningsfaglig kompetanse og for samspillet mellom emner .
  • Nerland, Monika (2018). Kvalitet i høyere utdanning: Muligheter og utfordringer med studentaktiviserende undervisning.
  • Nerland, Monika (2018). Professional education and learning as embedded in evolving knowledge fields.
  • Nerland, Monika (2018). Contemporary Knowledge Dynamics and Shifting Demands to Professional Expertise.
  • Nerland, Monika (2017). Epistemic shifts and transformations in professional expertise.
  • Nerland, Monika & Damsa, Crina I. (2017). Students’ and beginning professionals’ learning with web-based resources in software engineering.
  • Nerland, Monika (2017). Knowledge practices and relations in professional education: Moving beyond the education-work divide.
  • Nerland, Monika (2016). Profesjonsfellesskap og læring: Er læreryrket i ferd med å bli likere andre profesjoner?
  • Nerland, Monika (2016). Profesjonskunnskap og epistemiske praksiser i lærerutdanningene: Hvordan kan utdanningene styrke studentenes innvielse i en kunnskapskultur?
  • Damsa, Crina I.; Nerland, Monika & Stensaker, Bjørn (2016). Enhancing student learning through ‘student-centered approaches’: What matters for educational quality?
  • Nerland, Monika; Damsa, Crina I. & Jensen, Karen (2015). Introducing first-year students to the knowledge cultures of law, engineering and teaching.
  • Nerland, Monika (2015). Professional education as initiation to expert cultures.
  • Nerland, Monika (2015). Presentasjon av kunnskapsstatus om kvalitet i norsk høyere utdanning. Kunnskapsdepartementet 9. oktober 2015.
  • Nerland, Monika (2015). Profesjonsutdanning som innvielse i en kunnskapskultur.
  • Nerland, Monika; Jensen, Karen; Damsa, Crina I. & Enqvist-Jensen, Cecilie (2014). The enrollment of students in professional knowledge cultures: Epistemic practices and learning in the introductory courses of three professional programs.
  • Damsa, Crina I. & Nerland, Monika (2014). Learning trajectories and enrolment of higher education students in professional knowledge and practices.
  • Damsa, Crina I. & Nerland, Monika (2014). Learning trajectories in higher education: a comparative analysis of student of students learning in two undergraduate programs.
  • Nerland, Monika (2014). Utvikling og mestring av kunnskapspraksiser i profesjonene: Vilkår og utfordringer.
  • Nerland, Monika (2014). Innrullering av studenter i kunnskapskulturer. Innsikter fra prosjektet Horisontal styring og læringsdynamikker i høyere utdanning.
  • de Lange, Thomas & Nerland, Monika (2014). Student Teachers Engaging with Professional Criteria: an Analysis of Peer-feedback during Microteaching sessions.
  • Gherardi, Silvia; Jensen, Karen & Nerland, Monika (2014). What is growing in the shadow of formal organizations?
  • de Lange, Thomas & Nerland, Monika (2014). Mirroring the Practice of Teaching - Exploring Microteaching as a site for Professional Enactments.
  • Jensen, Karen & Nerland, Monika (2013). Change Dynamics in Higher Education in the Intersection between Policies and Epistemic Cultures.
  • de Lange, Thomas & Nerland, Monika (2013). Becoming a Professional Teacher: Exploring the Educational Potential of Video-Based Micro-Teaching.
  • Nerland, Monika (2013). Knowledge practices in the professions: Emergent responsibilities and opportunities for learning.
  • Sciuto, Katarina; Winsnes, Sigurd; Nerland, Monika & Hasu, Mervi (2021). Profesjonell agency i digitale arbeidskontekster. En kvalitativ intervjustudie blant ansatte i kommunehelsetjenesten. Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Esterhazy, Rachelle; Nerland, Monika & Damsa, Crina I. (2019). Productive feedback practices in higher education. Investigating social and epistemic relations in two undergraduate courses (PhD thesis). Universitetet i Oslo. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Nerland, Monika & Prøitz, Tine Sophie (2018). Pathways to quality in higher education : Case studies of educational practices in eight courses. Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU). ISSN 978-82-327-0319-7.
  • Damsa, Crina I.; de Lange, Thomas; Elken, Mari; Esterhazy, Rachelle; Fossland, Trine & Frølich, Nicoline [Vis alle 15 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2015). Quality in Norwegian Higher Education: A review of research on aspects affecting student learning. Nordisk institutt for studier av innovasjon, forskning og utdanning. ISSN 978-82-327-0127-8.

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Publisert 14. aug. 2013 15:13 - Sist endret 10. juli 2024 17:33