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IDEA Development Projects

IDEA works to develop new and innovative projects that support education and learning. Learn more about what IDEA is developing this semester.

IDEA is currently working with the following projects:

Media Production

Man holding a video camera.

There is an increasing demand to use videos and multimedia in learning. IDEA and UV is currently developing:

  • Video and podcast production training programs and resources for UV staff
  • A media production studio in Helga Engs Hus room U29

Learn more about media production development at HES.

Student Innovation Projects

IDEA's StudentTeam is constantly working on innovative projects involving UV students. Projects include:

Learn more about projects the IDEA StudentTeam is developing.

IDEA Student Team profile image

Hybrid Classrooms with PPU-Deltid

Two teachers standing at a lectern with computer and television screens used for hybrid teaching

Kristin Vasbø (ILS), Greta Gudmunsdottir (ILS), and IDEA have cooperated to create a hybrid study program for PPU-Deltid, utilizing:

  • New technologies in Helga Engs Hus
  • Hybrid attendance for students (physical and digital)
  • Innovative ideas for hyperflexible course design

Learn more about this development project and results of the pilot course.