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AI in Higher Education

Generative Artificial Intelligence (generative AI) is rapidly developing. Teachers at UV are interested in understanding what technologies are available, how generative AI can best be applied in education, and what challenges generative AI presents to higher education. IDEA is committed to supporting curious, creative, and responsible pedagogical use of generative AI tools. 

Image may contain: Computer, Hand, Personal computer, Laptop, Netbook.

IDEA's AI in Higher Education project

Learn more information about the UV faculty's work with generative AI in education, including the IDEA project on AI in Higher Education.

Image may contain: Table, Furniture, Computer, Chair, Building.

Approved AI tools at UiO

Learn which artificial intelligence (AI) tools are currently available at UiO for employees and students. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. How can AI support education?

AI programs like GPT UiO and Microsoft Copilot have significant potential to support teaching and education by:

  • Generating sample texts, passages, or materials for classroom use.
  • Assisting with brainstorming.
  • Catering to students with special needs and learning difficulties.
  • Translating English material into other languages.

However, concerns arise regarding the use of generative artificial intelligence like GPT UiO and Microsoft Copilot regarding:

  • Student plagiarism, cheating, and learning loss.
  • Production of biased content.
  • An increase in misinformation.

Learn more by reading a short report from Stanford: Exploring Generative AI Tools in Classrooms from Stanford University (PDF)

2. How can I respond to the use of AI?

LINK - Center for Learning and Education - provides information about the key implications of AI in higher education and offers advice on how to approach the use of this technology in the short and long term.

3. Is there a way to detect AI-generated text?

Generative artificial intelligence "Classifiers" are designed to detect output produced by generative AI, such as text generated by ChatGPT.

Please note that there are several different classifications available to help detect AI-generated text, but these identification tools are not perfect or reliable. According to LINK, existing tools for detecting AI use do not meet GDPR privacy standards and should not be used. This technology also has weaknesses that make it unsuitable. For example, these tools may mistakenly identify text generated by humans as AI-generated and vice versa. Therefore, you need to be critical and use your own judgment, including in how you formulate your requirements and forms of assessment.

Further reading:

4. How can I learn more about using AI for education at UiO?

IDEA has worked to create a compiled list of resources for pedagogues to independently explore more on the topic of generative AI, featured below. However, the best way to understand these tools is to practice using them.

Want a hands-on learning experience designed to help you effectively use AI for educational contexts? Attend one of our workshops for an engaging, collaborative learning experience. 

Quick Guides to AI use in teaching from IDEA Workshops

Assessment with and in light of AI

Exam design

IDEA's Recommended Resources

IDEA has compiled the following internal and external resources to guide your independent exploration of available generative AI technologies, their educational applications, and relevant considerations.

Foundational introduction to AI

Explore UiO’s approved tools, potential uses for both students and teachers, principles for use of generative AI in education, and more. 

Visit the Norwegian OpenAI Lab page for additional information on generative AI and to explore available events and webinars. 

Pedagogical use of AI

Policy and analysis

External training offers

Are you interested in independently exploring more on generative AI use in pedagogy? You can learn more through these free publicly available online courses. 

Elements of AI Digital Norway Generative AI in Teaching and Learning
Elements of AI seeks to make generative AI understandable for everyone through this free, comprehensive online course.   Digital Norway offers a variety of e-learning courses in generative AI and digital competence.   This teaching hub from the University of Virginia offers several modules on a variety of generative AI in teaching and learning topics.  


No upcoming events

Do you need more help?

IDEA is continually updating our resources and support for GenAI use in higher education. If you have suggestions for new resources or ways IDEA can support your teaching with GenAI, please send us your comments using this feedback form. 

Share your feedback about GenAI with IDEA